I really wish I knew all of this information 25 years ago. My child development classes did not give 1/8 of what I have learned from you in the last 18 months of following you. Your research and information you share is priceless. I try to tell the parents in my class to listen to your podcast. I have 3 autistic kids in my class with several others students whose siblings are. I could have helped my son when he was 2-7 years old if I had understood his overwhelmed feeling after a day at school or the frustrations he felt. Thank you
@lesa I’m so glad you are here! Many of the things I teach I didn’t learn in graduate school, but from parenting my son, working with autistic children for the last 20 years, and continued learning with colleagues. This field is ever evolving and there is so much we continue to learn together!💙
We decided to repeat pre-k and are in the middle of our repeat year now. I think my daughter is currently ready for kindergarten but she most definitely was NOT back in September. I’m glad we waited, I think she will have a whole lot more confidence going into school next year. Both my daughter and I have summer birthdays and adhd. When I was little my preschool teacher advised that I repeat a year prior to kindergarten. Back then, it was not a common practice so my parents pushed me through to elementary school. This did not work out well for me. I was significantly immature compared to my peers and had a very hard time throughout my school experience. I’m hoping to avoid this pitfall with my daughter.
Hi, Nicole! Thanks for sharing this. It’s amazing what another year can do to change the trajectory of our education. I was also very young for my grade. Two weeks before the cut off and was sent on. So I was four when I started Kindergarten and 17 when I started college. I write about this in the “what school was like for Dr. Emily” post but I think I would have been much more laid back about school had I been older. I’m glad you’re feeling confident about your daughter’s extra year!💙
I too started before I was 5 and was in college at 17. I also didn't know I had ADHD at that time, why was school so hard for me, how to study, teachers that did not help me, etc. I look back and know that my education was poor and my disability was not supported to help me know how to learn. I now see it so clearly. Failing tests continuously was not because I didn't study. Your words and stories have helped me to see who I am.
I really wish I knew all of this information 25 years ago. My child development classes did not give 1/8 of what I have learned from you in the last 18 months of following you. Your research and information you share is priceless. I try to tell the parents in my class to listen to your podcast. I have 3 autistic kids in my class with several others students whose siblings are. I could have helped my son when he was 2-7 years old if I had understood his overwhelmed feeling after a day at school or the frustrations he felt. Thank you
@lesa I’m so glad you are here! Many of the things I teach I didn’t learn in graduate school, but from parenting my son, working with autistic children for the last 20 years, and continued learning with colleagues. This field is ever evolving and there is so much we continue to learn together!💙
We decided to repeat pre-k and are in the middle of our repeat year now. I think my daughter is currently ready for kindergarten but she most definitely was NOT back in September. I’m glad we waited, I think she will have a whole lot more confidence going into school next year. Both my daughter and I have summer birthdays and adhd. When I was little my preschool teacher advised that I repeat a year prior to kindergarten. Back then, it was not a common practice so my parents pushed me through to elementary school. This did not work out well for me. I was significantly immature compared to my peers and had a very hard time throughout my school experience. I’m hoping to avoid this pitfall with my daughter.
Hi, Nicole! Thanks for sharing this. It’s amazing what another year can do to change the trajectory of our education. I was also very young for my grade. Two weeks before the cut off and was sent on. So I was four when I started Kindergarten and 17 when I started college. I write about this in the “what school was like for Dr. Emily” post but I think I would have been much more laid back about school had I been older. I’m glad you’re feeling confident about your daughter’s extra year!💙
I too started before I was 5 and was in college at 17. I also didn't know I had ADHD at that time, why was school so hard for me, how to study, teachers that did not help me, etc. I look back and know that my education was poor and my disability was not supported to help me know how to learn. I now see it so clearly. Failing tests continuously was not because I didn't study. Your words and stories have helped me to see who I am.
I’m so glad you feel seen! We know so much more now that we did when we were going through school...and still learning!💙