
If you’re feeling confused about whether or not your child needs to be evaluated for a developmental or learning difference and where to even begin, this workshop is for you!

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What’s the difference between a psycho-educational, psychological, and neuropsychologial evaluation? What about speech/language and OT evaluations? What kind of information will I get from these tests?

  • Who is qualified to conduct these evaluations and what are the differences between a pediatrician, psychologist, or psychiatrist?

  • When is the best time to get my child evaluated and how early can these tests be done? How often do these tests need to be repeated?

  • What is the difference between receiving a (free) evaluation by a school psychologist in public school and having my child evaluated by a psychologist in private practice or a hospital clinic?

  • What do I do with the results? Learn how to read a test report and translate that information into supporting your child and communicating your child’s needs to their teachers.

How to watch:

Workshops and replays are for paid subscribers ($18/mo). Become a paid subscriber at the link!

—> Or, get just this workshop ($37) without becoming a subscriber at the link below.

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What qualifies me to teach this workshop?

As a child psychologist, former school psychologist, and parent, I’ve spent the last two decades working with neurodivergent children and teens alongside their families and teachers.

Our kids are complex. What works for one child may or may not work for another. There is so much information out there, but you are ultimately the decision-makers of the next best step in your child’s journey.

I want to help you to feel more capable and experience more joy on this parenting journey.

Let’s do this together,

~Dr. Emily

This post is for paid subscribers