
[WORKSHOP REPLAY] How to Talk to Anxious Kids About Hard Topics

Watch Now | 42 min

We're living in a world where the news is at our fingertips. Talking to our kids about scary or complex topics can feel so overwhelming we might avoid these discussions all together. But avoiding tough topics can leave our kids feeling alone with their feelings. Join me this Friday as we discuss how to talk to kids, especially our anxious ones, about hard topics.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What anxiety looks like in preschoolers, school-age kids, and teens

  • How to know when a child is developmentally ready to learn about complex topics like sex, war, natural disasters, and politics

  • How to talk to kids about lock-down drills and gun violence

  • How to explain complicated situations to children who are literal thinkers

  • Strategies to help kids feel safe and trusting of those around them

How to watch:

This workshop replay is available for paid subscribers ($18/mo). Become a paid subscriber at the link below.

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What qualifies me to teach this workshop?

As a child psychologist, former school psychologist, and parent, I’ve spent the last two decades working with neurodivergent children and teens alongside their families and teachers.

Our kids are complex. What works for one child may or may not work for another. Our families are complex. There is so much information out there, but you are ultimately the decision-makers of the next best step in your child’s journey. I want to help you to feel more capable and experience more joy on this parenting journey.

If you’re ready to learn how to reduce the stress in your home, help others understand your kid, and find more joy, you are in the right place.  

Let’s do this together,

~Dr. Emily

Dr. Emily's website

**All content provided is protected under applicable copyright, patent, trademark, and other proprietary rights. All content is provided for informational and education purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological diagnosis, advice or treatment. Information provided does not create an agreement for service between Dr. Emily W. King and the recipient. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to you or your child's symptoms or medical condition. Children or adults who show signs of dangerous behavior toward themselves and/or others, should be placed immediately under the care of a qualified professional.**

This post is for paid subscribers