If you’re parenting an autistic child or teaching an autistic student, you have likely felt unsure about what motivates them to learn. Autistic individuals tend to be more motivated by their interests than by pleasing those around them. Understanding this changes everything!
Join me this Friday to learn how autism impacts learning and how to effectively motivate autistic learners both inside the classroom and at home.
In this workshop you will learn:
What developmental milestones for autistic children look like compared to non-autistic children
Why autistic kids and teens struggle with extrinsic motivation
How to use extrinsic motivation briefly to jump-start intrinsic motivation for an autistic child
How to help autistic children engage with learning through incorporating interests and supporting executive functioning weaknesses
Questions parents and teachers can ask to best collaborate when autistic children struggle to learn
How to watch:
Workshops are available for paid subscribers. Just click play in the video above to access the workshop replay.
Want to watch just this workshop without becoming a paid subscriber? Click the link below.
Why I host workshops:
As a child psychologist, former school psychologist, and parent, I’ve spent the last two decades working with neurodivergent children and teens alongside their families and teachers.
There is so much information out there, but you are ultimately the decision-makers of the next best step in your child’s journey. I want to help you to feel more capable and experience more joy on this parenting journey.
If you’re ready to learn how to reduce the stress in your home, help others understand your kid, and find more joy, you are in the right place.
Let’s do this together,
~Dr. Emily
**All content provided is protected under applicable copyright, patent, trademark, and other proprietary rights. All content is provided for informational and education purposes only. No content is intended to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological diagnosis, advice or treatment. Information provided does not create an agreement for service between Dr. Emily W. King and the recipient. Consult your physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to you or your child's symptoms or medical condition. Children or adults who show signs of dangerous behavior toward themselves and/or others, should be placed immediately under the care of a qualified professional.**